Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Frederick magazine

I made a special trip to Borders yesterday looking for the latest American Artist magazine because a friend of a couple friends on Face Book whose friends I friended ( or they friended me, anyway we're all just super best friends now even though none of us have probably ever met ) is on the front cover ! ( Nancy Guzik ) But of course they didn't have the issue yet so I bought three other magazines instead. One is the Frederick magazine from Frederick, Maryland. I picked it up and started thumbing through it looking for something I hadn't seen before. But something jumped out with which I was very familiar . There was a spot publicizing The Artists' Gallery show for this month. A group show . A VERY nice group show and one I recommend seeing if you are in town. What did they use but a detail of my painting "Bat Wings & Twirrly Things".

Sorry to say this painting is not in the show. So if you do make a trip , you won't see this one. Last month I decided to resign from TAG. It's all a long borring story that I won't go into. Just to say there were numerous reasons none of which was the "straw". I'm not stopping painting. I have promised myself to keep at it. The past two years have brought successes I wouldn't have imagined before and I have other goals I hope are not too far out of reach. But I wonder too if such a thing as the Peterson principle pertains to the art world as well. Here's to never finding out ! It may not be the cover of American Artist, but hey, I'll take it. Even if it did come a little late.


  1. Hi, Janet - something funny going on with the comment field, so hope this comes through....Great painting. Haven't been to this show yet. Sorry to hear your leaving TAG...hope to catch up with you 'round town some day!
    Happy New Year! Liz

  2. Was TAG a co-op? Been there, done that, as they say -- and yes, the P principle does apply!!! There is life after gallery, esp. if said gallery was a source of frustration, etc. Fun painting - and nice that you got some press!!

  3. Hi Liz !
    Like I told folks when I resigned, you'll probably see more of me than usual. I said that I would sub if anyone needed.

    Chris ! Thanks for looking in again ! I haven't posted any new work seems like forever and this one is about a year old. Still one of my favorites because it is fun and different from my others. Figures that any print would come after the fact. I'm sensing you had bad experiences with a co-op ?

  4. Hi Nancy and thank you. Nice to have you stop by.

  5. Nice painting, Janet and publicity never hurts. Congratulations.
